Control using a joystick or a keyboard.
To move, use the arrow keys or the numeric keypad.

Selecting menu items and skipping screens.

To turn, use the arrow keys or the numeric keypad.

Collect the golden orbs scattered throughout the field to clear the mission. Check the number of orbs you have to collect on the left side of the screen. Use the blue ring at the center of the cockpit to see in which direction the nearest orb is located.

Some golden orbs are embedded in the walls. Blow up the wall to collect the golden orb.

Press the key or the button in the image to open the map.

The map will show your location as well as orb, item, and enemy locations.
Obtaining specific items will expand the area that you can see on the map.

Press the button in the image to place the bomb by your feet.

Once placed, the bomb will go off after a while.

If the blast strikes the enemies, they will die, but if it strikes you, you will receive damage.
If the number of lives shown on the right side of the cockpit hits zero, the mission fails.

Enemy units will be on the field and can be destroyed with bomb blasts. You will receive damage if you come in contact with the enemy units. If the number of lives shown on the right side of the cockpit hits zero, the mission fails. You have to watch out for some enemies in the enemy units that reduce your life faster.

Enemy units with golden orbs are key enemies.
Destroy all the key enemies on the field.
The number of key enemies that you have to destroy is displayed on the left side of the cockpit.

Set off your bomb to destroy the key enemies.

Enemies attack this orb. You need to guard this orb before it receive damage 3 times. You can complete quicklybefore enemies attack guard orb.